
Showing posts from May, 2019
Japan Science and Technology Sakura Trip : 19 May to 26 May Finally Uttarkhand Made the chance to represent India in farewell ceremony of JST among the seven countries from the world and Pragya Singh from GIC Massi Almora Detailed her speech of presentation in the presence of Principal Secretory of Indian Embassy Mr. Sanjeev Jain, Minister of Education Japan, Director of JST, ambassadress from other six countries as well.  Uttarakhand Team of six student and a guide Teacher also visited from 19 May to 25 May 2019 and represented India. SSHP provides various contents. - Participation in special classes taught by leading scientists, including Nobel laureates - Social activities with Japanese high school students - Visiting embassies in Japan - Experience of Japanese culture, etc. - workshop in factories Nagoya ELECTRICAL, - ROBOTICS - BULLET TRAIN  - Most eminent scientist and technocrat interactions visit farewell speech here...