Ethical Implications of ICT आई सी टी के कार्यान्वयन में नैतिक मूल्य

Treat others the way you wish to be treated yourself. 
• Make sure you do not contravene legislation regarding use of computers and IT. 
• Use accurate details when referring to other Internet resources or sites. 
• Ensure that you are not wasteful of others’ resources when sending emails or in the design of your web page. 
• Try and contribute to the network in your area of expertise. 
• Adhere to Internet standards for production of e-mail correspondence and web pages. 
• Always identify yourself when joining in newsgroups and try not to interject irrelevancies.

Good information is that which is used and which creates value. Experience and research shows that good information has numerous qualities.
Good information is relevant for its purpose, sufficiently accurate for its purpose, complete enough for the problem, reliable and targeted to the right person.  It is also communicated in time for its purpose, contains the right level of detail and is communicated by an appropriate channel, i.e. one that is understandable to the user.
Further details of these characteristics related to organisational information for decision-making follows.
  1. Availability/accessibility
  2. Accuracy
  3. Relevance/appropriateness
  4. Completeness
  5. Level of detail/conciseness
  6. Presentation
  7. Timing
  8. Value of information
  9. Cost of information
  10. The difference between value and cost


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